Sabtu, 30 Julai 2011


Beberapa hari yg lalu, aku agak happy dengan kehadiran seorang hamba Allah yang aku fikirkan sbg kawan, walaubagaimanapun semalam dia benar2 mengecewakan diri ini. Aku pasrah, thank God aku tidak menyerahkan hati kecil ini kepadanya. Kalau diserahkan juga, mungkin aku akan mengalami kekecewaan yang kedua besar sekian kalinya.

Cukuplah yg aku dah hadapi with mr.rr sblm. Tak mahu pisang berbuah dua kali. Walaupun aku mula menyukai dia, namun Allah Maha Kaya, dia telah menunjukkan aku jalan yang lurus sblm aku terjebak dalam kancah percintaan yang palsu sekali lagi.


Selasa, 26 Julai 2011


Almost everyday I cried because of him. I know, it is stupid things to do when you already done with the other person. Now, I just knew that he's into other girl.. DAMN! So easy for him to get moving on while I'm here still struggling...

I don't want to hate him or whatsoever, coz he's the person that I've once loved. Tak tergamak utk membenci. I couldn't.. T____T. But I knew that he torn my heart really2 bad. I mean, really2 bad.. I was pretty much empty the moment he left. EMPTY.

But the other unexpected things showing up. Abang Firdaus is coming back into my life. He's also having the same situation like me. But he might take it to the highest level, by changing his phone number. Fortunately, he contacting me back. Last night we talked almost 2 hours. He make me smile again. It kindda lessen my pain for a while.

Right now we are friends again me and abg daus after a while didn't contact one another..

Isnin, 11 Julai 2011

I love you..

I truly am. Can't put my eyes to sleep because I've been thinking about you sweetie. I love you but I could not tolerate anymore. Negligence, abandonment, ignorance, its just too much for me. I wish I can be a better person for you, less nagging. I hate when I do that to you and don't want to do things that you hate.

Therefore, we need to stop this. I love you darling. But we need to stop, before we hurt each other. I really hoped that you can read this. T______T It hurts me that we end like this...

Rabu, 6 Julai 2011

Happy Birthday MOm~

Selamat Hari Lahir Mak~

Semalam 5th July is my mom's birthday yang ke 45 tahun. Along ucapkan semoga emak sihat sentiasa dan dirahmati oleh Allah s.w.t sentiasa hendaknya. Amin.....I love you so much mak~ ^^,


Smlm is kind of a shock for me. A nice surprise actually. He asked me for in relationship back with him. I was like 'huh?' really? With me? Again? It was out of sudden. It completely blown me away, since that is the thing that I really want to hear most from him for the past 3 months.

I was craving for him, and now he want me back with him. Truthfully, I was of course happy knowing that he still misses me and care for me. But the pain and the scars that he left me with previously. I don't know whether I can accept him back. At least not that easily I guess.

I asked him to give me some time. He told me not to take so much time to think about it. Huhuhu.. T__T Don't know what to do, how to react. Can I stay with him without relationship, but only care for him? Coz in Islam, coupling is HARAM! Well, I really need time to think about it how to tell him this.

Because my sister also not in relationship anymore because of the coupling issue. I really2 respect my sister very much and I really look up on her.. She's one of the good example that I should follow...